Sunday 16 October 2016

I Like Big Bones and I Cannot Lie

Hi, people. How are you??
Let me start this post with one of my fav. bands with one of my fav songs (totally crazy video, isn't it?)

After the musical interval, back to work, people!

Though I'm not with you physically, my mind is planning the classes for the rest of the year. I don't think we will have time to talk about the three topics that are missing. That's why I would like to know if you prefer to see Reproductive System or Nervous System. Have an answer ready for Thursday. We won't have time to prepare the talk on Alcohol , either. It's a pity!
So on Monday, start working on  the Practical work on SKELETAL SYSTEM. It will be in groups:

GROUP A: Montivero- Tschubarov- Gerbaudo- Fernández Jorba- Amagliani

GROUP B: Alegre- Girado- Yusim- Castiglioni- Lanfranchi-Ghio

GROUP C: Uezen Bozzi- Vargas- Burone- Sarcos- Williams- Debortoli

GROUP D: De Aguirre- Obiglio- Lammana- Fagoaga- Crotto- EspĂ­ndola

 And the practical work is this (don't forget to print it and add it at the beginning of your work!!!!)

                                                   I hope you enjoy the task and SMILE!!
