Tuesday, 15 November 2016

This Is What Happened To Our EX President Two Years Ago

Oh, no! Sorry! Wrong head!  If all the information is correct this is what  happened to her

As you can see, this was a hematoma, not a CLOT!!! A blood clot forms and cuts off the blood supply to a part of the brain, the result can be an ischemic stroke.Sometimes, a blood clot forms in and occludes an artery that supplies the brain. If the blood supply is cut off from a part of the brain, oxygen and other nutrients cannot be delivered to that part of the brain and cells begin to die. There are causes for blood clot in brain and the treatments vary depending on the each condition.

Our president had a hematoma in the meninges. What are they???

Our brain is surrounded and protected by a group of membranes called MENINGES and inside these membranes there is cerebrospinal fluid that acts as a cushion for the neuraxis, also bringing nutrients to the brain and spinal cord and removing waste from the system. The main function of the merninges is:
  1. Protecting the brain and spinal cord form mechanical injury
  1. Providing blood suply to the skull and to the hemispheres
  1. Providing a space for the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
Please, check on this crazy story. What did the doctors do with the bone of the skull that they removed???? Why????



Wednesday, 9 November 2016

On Halloween, Brains and Zombies

Hey,people! Sorry for interrupting this great sunny day (though they have been saying it was going to rain for the last three days!!) but I wanted to share with you some more info on NERVOUS SYSTEM that may come in handy for your super summary
Well, let's cut it short and start working! These are some videos for you to see on nervous system and its components:

*VIDEO 1  Nervous System by our friend Hank

*VIDEO 2: The Brain and its Functions (I will only ask you the things we saw)

*VIDEO 3 Another video with a kind of review

*Video 4 How neurons work

Our brain is so amazing!!!!

 Great poster!!!

When the brain gets ill...

And last but not the least, my power point presentation!!!

Nervous system and coordination brian & friends para 4to from sdelrioandrea

Our brain is so amazing!!! That's why zombies are eager to eat it!!! Wait! What if zombies were real??
