Sunday, 28 August 2016

VJ Andre B Is Back!!!

 As on every rainy day, Vj Andrea is back, bringing you the best science videos!! On this occasion, three webisodes for you to have my lovely (what a nightmare!!) voice in your head while we review my powerpoint presentations!! Enjoy!!!


* Webisode 2  HOMEOSTASIS


And last but not the least... a great video by Hank Green, brother to the John Green who wrote the book that gave title to my firts two webisodes.

Hope this will be useful during your study time, don't hyperventilate! It won't help your cells!!


Monday, 15 August 2016

Alcohol, why do you do this to me???

Hi, guys! What about the XL weekend? Did you have a good time or overwork your liver???
The tittle of my post is connected to these jokes... Poor liver!!!

Well, I just wanted to post all the videos I found really interesting both for our test and the talk about ALCOHOLISM you'll have (Remember I wanted to create a TED talk to show to the whole school?)

 First, check on the effect of alcohol on the brain 

Then, let's see what causes a HANGOVER

Where does this urge to pee come from????

Is there a CURE for HANGOVER????

The problem of alcohol is the LONG TERM EFFECTS!!!

And last but not the least... Can we have a water overdose????


Please, watch the videos and make a summary (in the posters groups) to discuss on Thursday.