Oh, no! Sorry! Wrong head! If all the information is correct this is what happened to her
As you can see, this was a hematoma, not a CLOT!!! A blood clot forms and cuts off the blood supply to a part of the brain, the result can be an ischemic stroke.Sometimes, a blood clot forms in and occludes an artery that supplies the brain. If the blood supply is cut off from a part of the brain, oxygen and other nutrients cannot be delivered to that part of the brain and cells begin to die. There are causes for blood clot in brain and the treatments vary depending on the each condition.
Our president had a hematoma in the meninges. What are they???
Our brain is surrounded and protected by a group of membranes called MENINGES and inside these membranes there is cerebrospinal fluid that acts as a
cushion for the neuraxis, also bringing nutrients to the
brain and spinal cord and removing waste from the
system. The main function of the merninges is:
Protecting the brain and spinal cord form mechanical injury
Providing blood suply to the skull and to the hemispheres
Providing a space for the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
Please, check on this crazy story. What did the doctors do with the bone of the skull that they removed???? Why????
Hey,people! Sorry for interrupting this great sunny day (though they have been saying it was going to rain for the last three days!!) but I wanted to share with you some more info on NERVOUS SYSTEM that may come in handy for your super summary
Well, let's cut it short and start working! These are some videos for you to see on nervous system and its components: *VIDEO 1 Nervous System by our friend Hank
*VIDEO 2: The Brain and its Functions (I will only ask you the things we saw)
*VIDEO 3 Another video with a kind of review
*Video 4How neurons work
Our brain is so amazing!!!!
Great poster!!!
When the brain gets ill...
And last but not the least, my power point presentation!!!
Hi, people. How are you??
Let me start this post with one of my fav. bands with one of my fav songs (totally crazy video, isn't it?)
After the musical interval, back to work, people!
Though I'm not with you physically, my mind is planning the classes for the rest of the year. I don't think we will have time to talk about the three topics that are missing. That's why I would like to know if you prefer to see Reproductive System or Nervous System. Have an answer ready for Thursday. We won't have time to prepare the talk on Alcohol , either. It's a pity!
So on Monday, start working on the Practical work on SKELETAL SYSTEM. It will be in groups:
GROUP A:Montivero- Tschubarov- Gerbaudo- Fernández Jorba- Amagliani
GROUP B:Alegre- Girado- Yusim- Castiglioni- Lanfranchi-Ghio
GROUP C:Uezen Bozzi- Vargas- Burone- Sarcos- Williams- Debortoli
GROUP D:De Aguirre- Obiglio- Lammana- Fagoaga- Crotto- Espíndola
And the practical work is this (don't forget to print it and add it at the beginning of your work!!!!)
The tittle of this post is connected to a certain film that certain pre- teen forced her mother to watch once and again during summer holidays :P
After the fun part, let's get down to business!! Here you have two videos to refresh your mind on EXCRETORY SYSTEM, kidneys, nephrons and Osmoregulation(remember that I will only ask for the names we saw in class)
I'm also including a link to a SUPERB page where you can check your information
But Homeostasis is not only about "peeing" and Zac Nephron (CUAC!), It's also about Respiratory System, the LIVER and the SKIN. Here you have my ppt presentation for you to study from
So How will we remember all these for the end-of-the-year integrative test???!!!!
Ok people, to close this long post (looks like a Will and Testament) I´m leaving you (AGAIN!!) the great video that summarises HOMEOSTASISthat we saw to start excretory system
Enjoy the post and STUDY a lot!!!!!
PS: Well, for the test, all the powerpoint on Excretory System and Skin will be
included as well as all the information on alcohol we have been
discussing (plus the videos and webisodes I posted for you).
As on every rainy day, Vj Andrea is back, bringing you the best science videos!! On this occasion, three webisodes for you to have my lovely (what a nightmare!!) voice in your head while we review my powerpoint presentations!! Enjoy!!! *Webisode 1EXCRETORY SYSTEM
And last but not the least... a great video by Hank Green, brother to the John Green who wrote the book that gave title to my firts two webisodes.
Hope this will be useful during your study time, don't hyperventilate! It won't help your cells!!
Hi, guys! What about the XL weekend? Did you have a good time or overwork your liver???
The tittle of my post is connected to these jokes... Poor liver!!!
Well, I just wanted to post all the videos I found really interesting both for our test and the talk about ALCOHOLISM you'll have (Remember I wanted to create a TED talk to show to the whole school?)
First, check on the effect of alcohol on the brain
Then, let's see what causes a HANGOVER
Where does this urge to pee come from????
Is there a CURE for HANGOVER????
The problem of alcohol is the LONG TERM EFFECTS!!!
And last but not the least... Can we have a water overdose????
Please, watch the videos and make a summary (in the posters groups) to discuss on Thursday.
Hi people!! How are you? Have you been sleeping late?? Did you miss your Biology class?
So far, I've been cooking, teaching, meeting friends and receiving a new member of the family...
This is Jerry Hamilton III, our new fridge, as the other fridge decided to abandon us and ruin our Friend's Day!!!
Well, back to reality!! I would like you to create some great posters for me
Montivero- Tschubarov- Gerbaudo- Fernández Jorba
Alegre- Girado- Yusim- Castiglioni- Debortoli
Crotto- Uezen Bozzi- Vargas- Burone- Sarcos
De Aguirre- Obiglio- Lammana- Fagoaga
Amagliani- Ghio- Lanfranchi- Espíndola- Williams
You can be as creative as you want and use the materials you want. Just remember the posters will be displayed on the walls of our lab, so DO YOUR BEST!!! The due date is Monday August 8th Do you remember some pics I posted by a student of Medicine that made the systems out of candy? Don't copy him, but it can be an inspiration!
Well, go on relaxing and enjoying with friends while I'll be at home, super sad correcting tests...hahaha
Hi people!!! I hope you are enjoying the relaxation after a hard test so, as it´s not my intention to ruin it, I'm starting my post with the old but very funny song about the result of the excretory system and its follow-up trip
Now, let's get it started Next MONDAY we are dissecting the kidney!!!! So, I'm including some videos on dissection for Group number 1 (Gerbaudo- Fernandez Jorba- Fagoaga- Yusim-Castiglioni) responsible for teaching us how to open the kidney (I´ll give them a mark for that) #GirlsVsBoysIsOn
We will need some material for our experience
* KIDNEY (cow, pig or sheep) at the butcher's or you can find it at the supermarket
You must bring it to school in a lunch box
* LATEX GLOVES ( Each group can buy a box of gloves to have them for later experiments)
* SCALPEL - Two per group (you can buy them at the drustores near the Faculty of Medicine.- Farmacia Rex, for example)
*WIPING TOWEL to clean the table after the experiment
* KNOWLEDGE about excretory system
External and internal view:
Once open you will see:
I´m leaving you a great video that summarises HOMEOSTASIS
Hi people!!! VJ Andrea is in DA HOUSE!!!!Here I am, correcting like crazy... but let me take a break to show you some videos from my private collection that you will probably enjoy.
1st we have here Baptist UB ft Respiratory System
And now the Twisted Ladies and their tutorial on how to make up a Larynx....
Super congrats to our Screen stars!!!!!
Last but not the least, our friends from ASAP SCIENCE with the answers to your practical work from Thursday
Hope I helped cheer up a gloomy Pre- Monday
PD: I love this drawing, but I think there is a mistake there...
Hi people!! How are you doing?What about the return to school after the long wekend??? It was not easy to BREATHE so early in the morning!! XD
Well, for you to remember that the verb is (to)breathE/d and the noun is BREATH , these are two of my fav songs that contain these words: HERE WITH ME by DIDO (the tittle of this post is a line in this song)
and "Every step you take" in Glee's version
Have you been reading about RESPIRATORY SYSTEM???????
I think you might like this video for an accurate picture of the system. WOW!!!!!
As you can see, the respiratory system is basically a long tube with two sacs at the end, with NO bones, only cartilages inside the tube (to prevent it from collapsing) and muscles outside the sacs to make them larger or smaller. This tube is covered by a thin EPITHELIUM that is full of CILLIA and secretes MUCUS to prevent bacteria and other harmful substances to get to the ALVEOLI.
I'm also including here some videos for you to revise your concepts:
1) An IGCSE video with a whole revision and a FIBROSCOPY of the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM where you'll see a real operating system :)
2) a 3D explanation on RESPIRATION and VENTILATION
3) The video I posted like a year ago in my facebook page about the effects of SMOKING on the Respiratory System:
4) Another video about Smoking
I hope the videos are useful and fun to watch (well, fun...not really, maybe just interesting) and to start studying Don't PROCRASTINATE!!!!!
See you on THURSDAY!!!
1) Explain
this statement: Players who are born and live at sea level will have a smaller lung
capacity than those who spend their life at a high altitude (such as Bolivian
2) These are the legs who has just finished a Cycling race. Why do they look like this? What for?
Hi again, people,!!! Of course, the tittle of this post is connected to an OLDIE by Whitesnake
Well, seeing and considering that the question on the reason why we , as large beings, need systems of transport is still not clear, I'm including in this post, a page from another boook. I hope it explains this "problem" better than me
I´m also posting the two videos we discussed last class: I hope it can help you understand the relationship between surface area and volume. This is a key concept to understand absorption in every part of our bodies. So, less talking and more doing!!!
A biologist will show this ratio with an interesting lab experiment
Earth calling 4th year!!! Did you start studying for next Monday 16th's test?Probably not yet, but you'd better begin with your summaries because it's a lot!!!
The title of my post refers to a horrible song back in the 70's by a band called "Modern Talking"
Well, after this musical interval, let's get down to business... I´m including here some videos for you to revise your concepts... First, Circulatory System
Some useful videos onLYMPHATIC SYSTEM!!!
And now a break from English... Lymphatic system in Spanish!!!
In case you need them, these are my powerpoint presentations
The afternoon was so gloomy and dull, just as you feel when you have a broken heart... I was thinking of my favorite songs for these moments when you feel discouraged and I remembered one of my fav chick flicks(= pelis pochocleras)
Bridget Jones' diary and its opening song: ALL BY MYSELF.
Some years later the song was included in GLEE!!!
So, the challenge is this: CAN YOU ACTUALLY DIE FROM A BROKEN HEART???? A 10 for the first person who can answer this with his/her words, without copying and pasting!!!!
In case you want to hear the whole version of the song included in the episode 17 of season 2 of GLEE by the unique voice of Charice Pempengco, here you go
Hi people!!!!! How are you doing??
Let me remind you of the NEW groups for the practical work. It's girls versus boys this time!
GROUP 1:Gerbaudo- Fernandez Jorba- Fagoaga- Yusim- Castiglioni
GROUP 2: Lanfranchi- Lamanna- Espíndola-Burone- Vargas
GROUP 3: Williams- Amagliani- Ghio- Obiglio- Debortoli- De Aguirre
GROUP 4: Alegre- Girado- Sarcos- Uezen Bozzi- Crotto- Tshubarov- Montivero
Next Monday (May 25) we are dissecting the heart!!!!
So, first of all, let me clarify some rules for the lab:
Safety Rules in the Laboratory
experiments, listen carefully to instructions and follow them as exactly as you
can. In case of confusion or uncertainty, ask questions! Performing
unauthorized experiments will not be tolerated.
horseplay will be tolerated.
eat in lab or drink out of glassware. Never taste or smell anything unless you
are given specific directions to do so.
injury, major or minor (cut, burn, etc.), must
be reported to the teacher at once. Put cold water on burns first. Chemical
spills should be washed off immediately with water. Know the location of all
laboratory safety equipment. Chemicals in the eyes must be flushed immediately
with the eyewash. Hold the eye open, rotate the eyeball, and continue washing
for 10-15 minutes.
not touch equipment without permission. All unauthorized experimentation is
strictly forbidden. This includes all chemicals, models, or apparatus. Complete
all pre-lab work. Don’t do any lab procedures until approved by instructor.
heating a test tube, always point the open end away from you and others. It
should be at a slant rather than straight up in most cases.
glass is broken, the teacher should be informed immediately. Students should
not handle broken glass; teachers will dispose of broken glass.
of all materials as per instruction. Do not assume that all liquids go down the
equipment can only be used on specimens. Any misuse of dissection tools will result
in disciplinary action.
class will be dismissed, all equipment and sinks must be clean, and desktops
must be clean and dry.
If the above guidelines are not followed, you may not be
allowed to participate in the lab and may not receive credit for the activity.
Here you have a video on how to keep it safe in the lab:
I'm including the video on dissection for Group number 4 responsible for teaching us how to open a heart (ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE GROUP SHOULD KNOW EVERYTHING TO ANSWER QUESTIONS) VIDEO 1
We will need some material for our experience
You must bring it to school in a lunch box
* LATEX GLOVES ( Each group can buy a box of gloves to have them for later experiments)
* SCALPEL - Two per group (you can buy them at the drustores near the Faculty of Medicine.- Farmacia Rex, for example)
*WIPING TOWEL to clean the table after the experiment
* KNOWLEDGE about circulatory system
* YOUR OWN HEART filled with energy for a new experience